
As mentioned in Blog posts 2.1, this time, I tried to use a 6 layered CNN to conduct experiment, I tried to reduce the filter sizes of the last 3 layers to (4,4), and still keep other configurations unchanged.

In this experiment 2.2, I still use the Random2DRotation Method to rotate each training image by a random degree, and keep their label untouched, to do regularization, so the model will learn different dogs or cats’images with different random rotated angles. However this time, I tried to set the initial learning rate for Adam() as 0.0005, rather than using its default values.

As we learned from course, initial learning rate is very important, if it is set big, the optimization will oscillate, and if it is set too big, the optimization process will diverge, it is linked with the inverse of the biggest eigenvalue of the Hessian of the cost function. However if the learning rate is chosen to be too small, the learning will be very slow, and here, as we are using Adam() to decay the learning rate as time elapses, at the end stage the learning rate will be very small can the learning cannot go on effectively.

Also, the initial learning rate setting is important, because at the begining, we want to get down as fast as possible, so we cannot set too conservatively small learning rate. I’ve tried with trial and errors and concluded that 0.004 was too big, and the default 0.0002 is too small, this time I tried with 0.0005. It seemed work better!

In this experiment, I’m using a 6-convolution layered CNN architecture.
The configurations are as follows:

num_epochs= 61 (at the time of posting this blog)
image_shape = (256,256)
filter_sizes = [(5,5),(5,5),(5,5),(5,5),(5,5),(5,5)]
feature_maps = [20,40,60,80,100,120]
pooling_sizes = [(2,2),(2,2),(2,2),(2,2),(2,2),(2,2)]
mlp_hiddens = [1000]
output_size = 2
max_image_dim_limit_method= MaximumImageDimension
dataset_processing = rescale to 256*256

Validation error=8.56% after 61 epochs

cats and dogs 2 result
